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WSM Technical Services



1. Book blocks.

WSM Technical Services will prepare a simple book block from a standard word processor file (such as .docx or .doc) suitable for digital printing for $400 and up, depending on size of book and difficulty. A typical prose book of 200 - 300 pages would be @$450-- more for longer books.

Note: This is not copy editing, but preparing pages in a readable font with the right spacing, etc. as a .pdf file acceptable for uploading to Lightning Source, Inc. and other digital printers.


2. E-book Conversions.

WSM Technical Services will prepare a book (from a plain Word .doc or .rtf file) for all e-book formats for a flat $300. (This includes a .jpg thumbnail of the cover for publicity). This is a separate Kindle conversion as well as a conversion that includes .mobi, Nook, Sony, Epub, Ipad, html, .pdf and more. The book will be listed in the Amazon Kindle store as well as Barnes & Noble, the Apple Store, etc.


3. Covers prepared from existing art work

WSM Technical Services will make a simple front cover, back cover and spine as a single .pdf file suitable for uploading and printing to Lightning Source, Inc. and other digital printers for $300 and up. If you have an ISBN number, there will be a bar code included. Email with description for an estimate.

See some sample WSM covers here or look at the column on the left. Covers I did include Soledad in the Desert; Blazing Pencils; Love Palace; Meli's Way; Re-Visions; and more.



4. Post Card & Electronic Post Card Design

WSM Technical Services will design a post card from existing cover art and your text, suitable for announcing a new book and giving ordering information. An electronic version is included. It looks like a post card, front and back, and is delivered as a .pdf file for you to email to your list or link to your website. This service is $100 to WSM plus the cost of the cards, which runs @ $75 for 100 post cards.



For more details, write WSM Technical Services

Note: The next step in book making, should you use these services, would be to find a digital short run printer. Here are a couple I found on the Internet, but you should do your own research. You upload your .pdf cover file and .pdf book block file. The finished perfect bound paperpack books cost from $4.00 each if you buy @ 250 copies. These companies also do self-publishing services, so compare.

This is not a recommendation-- just a sampling of where to go for printing.


Gorham Prnting
Mill City Press




Selection of Covers by WSM:


Oradell at Sea E-Book Cover ImageRe-Visions Book Cover Image

black horsey
Irene Weinberger Books.... an imprint of Hamilton Stone Editions. Check us out!



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Meredith Sue Willis Author and Teacher is licensed under a

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